Sunday, May 22, 2016

Through the enrollment moves of the Unione Siciliana

history channel documentary hd Through the enrollment moves of the Unione Siciliana, the Black Hand group individuals could discover which Sicilian foreigners were creating salary, in this way making these individuals ready for a squeeze. Prior to any savagery was executed, the Black Hand sent debilitating notes to Sicilian representatives. On the base of the coercion notes, was the engraving of a "Dark Hand," which was made by a hand dunked in dark ink. In any case, because of the advances law implementation was making with fingerprinting at the time, the "Dark Hand" was later drawn. On the off chance that the individual who was being coerced did not pay the Black Hand's requests, they were ruthlessly tormented, and some of the time even killed. On the off chance that they were fortunate, just their places of business was pulverized by explosives.

In 1905, a butcher named Gaetano Costa, got a Black Hand blackmail letter, requesting $1,000. Costa was told to put the $1,000 into a roll of bread, and to offer it to a man who came into his shop to purchase meat, and hauled out a red cloth. Costa won't, and the precise following day, two men came into his butcher shop and shot Costa to death. Nobody was accused of the homicide, yet the police were certain the requests were given by Saietta.

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