Thursday, May 26, 2016

As you will find in the accompanying verses

history channel documentary 2015 I'm feeling free to give you the primary Scripture verses managing the likelihood of a Rapture. There is separated sentiment in the Body of Christ with respect to regardless of whether there will be a joy.
Every one of you will need to reach your own decision on this subject per your own translation of the Scripture verses recorded beneath. I'll give you my two pennies on the subject. I'll call attention to catchphrases and key expressions in the accompanying verses.

As you will find in the accompanying verses, I feel there is exceptionally solid proof from Scripture that there will be a Rapture, and that it will happen before the Antichrist begins the oppression of God's holy people, and before God begins to spill out His fierceness upon the earth amid the 7 year Tribulation. As it were, it will be a pre-tribulation Rapture.

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