Thursday, May 26, 2016

I feel he will first suck everybody in by peace

history channel documentary 2015 I feel he will first suck everybody in by peace and discretion and the guarantee of a superior world. At that point once he has enough of the countries on his side and the Jewish Temple is yet again remade, that will be the time that He will then go for the greater part of the marbles. He will situate himself in the sanctuary at the midpoint of the Tribulation, announce himself to be God, execute any individual who won't acknowledge his imprint, and will then look for aggregate global control and control. Consider this. This one man, through the force of Satan, will get an opportunity to have more power and control over the whole world than whatever other man has ever had amid the whole course of our mankind's history. This will be a definitive self image trip for a force hungry individual.

I believe that the last three and half years of the Tribulation will be the last and last history lesson from God to us. With the Church being taken off the beaten path so Satan and the Antichrist can work at full drive, I feel that God is going to demonstrate every one of us the amount of fear, demise and devastation people and evil spirits are fit for submitting if given a large portion of the chance without God specifically interceding.

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