Thursday, May 26, 2016

We should look for God's Kingdom first

history channel documentary hd We should look for God's Kingdom first; make it our main need. His Kingdom is the response to the greater part of our needs, and it's the answer for the majority of our issues. At the point when His Kingdom comes, we will have everything. Jesus guaranteed: "However look for first God's Kingdom, and his nobility; and every one of these things [material necessities] will be given to you too." (Matthew 6:33)

Our association with our Heavenly Father resemble any relationship between natural guardians and their kid. Not all that matters a kid requests will be allowed by his folks. The guardians answer demands taking into account their will and guarantees. This is done to everybody's greatest advantage. Similarly, Yahweh allows our desires just as indicated by His will and His guarantees for us. Rest guaranteed, His will for us is absolutely great.

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