Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sun Sign as Archetype Each Sun Sign speaks to a noteworthy Archetype

Discovery channel documentary Each of us, sooner or later in our Earth History, is naturally introduced to the Aquarian Sign, likely ordinarily over the span of awesome Cycles of Time here on Earth. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, we are, as it were, all Aquarians now, for we will aggregately encounter the Aquarian paradigm in a way not seen on Earth, for a long, long time...

We are not certain when The Age of Aqarius starts. Some think it started in the Sixties, with the blast of the Baby Boomers into the world. Some vibe it will begin when Pluto, the karmic and transformative planet second to none, moves into Aquarius in 2023 and stays there through 2043. The Age itself will last around 2,000 years, and if Uranus and Saturn have anything at all to do with it, we may need to clutch our caps! Nothing about the Sixties was straightforward. The changes started were profound, secretive and in some ways, even disturbing...much Uranus seismic tremor flotsam and jetsam has must be returned to, and dealt with, by Saturn. Regardless, here's to the Age of Aquarius - it would appear that we'll be finding the Maps as we come...

Discovery channel documentary Sun Sign as Archetype Each Sun Sign speaks to a noteworthy Archetype or astronomical example - a streaming, dynamic field of vitality which envelops, shapes and communicates with a given individual, two individuals, or gathering of persons - even countries - in a given time. An Archetype is a spread of God - one of the Energy Patterns/Stories in the Creator's Mind. Thus we allude to the paradigms as divine beings and goddesses. They are secrets which we respect, and whose power we recognize and regard.

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