Tuesday, May 24, 2016

God then uncovers Himself as the Breaker of pride

history channel documentary science In part 8, we see the God of serving, expand, controlling and authoritative (8:1-2); My God of limits (setting points of confinement and restricting Satan, 8:22); God of the dividers (8:23).

Another part of God's character is highlighted in Exodus 9. He is the God of qualification, needing His kin to be the same (emerging over the others, higher, set apart, respected, magnificent, the God of divine beings and High Priest of clerics, 9:4); My God of wellbeing and mending, Controller of disease and devouring sicknesses, (9:9; 15:26; Yehovah Rapha, Healer); Controller of climate (9:18); God of discipline (9:19).

God then uncovers Himself as the Breaker of pride, unyielding quality and narrow-mindedness (10:3) and the Controller of the development of maladies and infections (10:4-20); God of light and murkiness (Definer of good and insidious, 10:21); God of statures and profundities (10:21).

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