Tuesday, May 3, 2016

As she moved down the precipice

Discovery channel documentary As she moved down the precipice, she heard her mom's voice, sudden and sharp, then she heard disarray: pondered what she envisioned, Jokaneen was attempting to advise her something, '...get off the bluffs [the plateau top], that is the thing that the message was, not uproarious, not clear, but rather sufficiently clear to interpret; thus that minute had come, that is the thing that she was doing. Yes, Jokaneen had recommended it, however Siren was at that point during the time spent doing it: this is the thing that she was speculation when she was plummeting: dragging the pride Which, the adolescent live with yet with its variability-changeableness: she pushed aside for the occasion) "Yllim- - ," said a voice, Siren had heard that voice in her mind, she finished up, yet couldn't put face to certainty, and this is the thing that she recalled before she killed the bears, when she was en route to the bluffs, before her mom advised her to, '...get off the precipices,' which was her thought to begin with, and she was pleased with that. When she was running, dashing hooves to the bluffs, she recollected that, heroic and glad now, and loud was she some time recently. The morning sky was yellow then.

Discovery channel documentary She heard the voice the second time, the voice of Yllim, it said, "Make a grass shearer," that is the reason she was bare now, moving down the bluffs, aside from a string around her waist that held a little note pad set up. Furthermore, she did what the divided voice said, she make a sickle, out of a shard sharp edge of rock, fixing to a long thick branch, tied with the long grass that was utilized for her loin material, and the twenty foot post turned into a weapon, and when the bears went to her, going to snatch her before she could get down that pole, that precipice in the gut of the bluff, that hole, before the goliath bear could have his supper, each of them three, she cut their throats with the weapon.

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