Tuesday, June 14, 2016

She saw a couple of these upright Manticore's tailing her behind

Discovery Channel Documentary In this weird land, this planet where the grass can grow twenty feet high, there are no seas, nor are there shafts, as we probably am aware them to be on earth, yet there are a few incredible lakes, as bigger if not bigger than Lake Superior on earth, as extensive if not bigger than the condition of Minnesota; and some 2000-feet profound. There are bony adversaries in these profound waters, creatures. There were even wars in this submerged universes, in these massive lakes: in these waters there are 'Offspring of the Deep,' who are seeded by serpents of substance, onto cases and developed like wild blossoms, heads like infants, and bodies like frogs; a stem connected to their heads: they are called 'Fraternity Serpents,' and can develop to be as large as whales, if permitted. Also, now, the storyteller has quite recently gotten some clairvoyant portrayal to disperse:

As Siren proceeded with west, back to where her tree house was- - out of the Land of the Dawn, as she called it, or place where there is the Manticore may be more appropriate, she began to see winged creatures, with yellow and blue feet; waterways that ran tough, and fish hopping a few feet out of the air, from an enormous lake, and grass as tall as twenty-feet. The winged animals were colossal, about a large portion of her size. The water was cool and sweet. When she had gone to the bluffs, she swung from to do a reversal southwest.

She saw a couple of these upright Manticore's tailing her behind, they strolled like kangaroos, fairly. It was a most terrible sight she considered, and now they were intersection one of the few fields they had crossed to get to where they had been: venturing back at this point.

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