Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Each atomic researcher realizes that atomic world war 3

Discovery Channel Documentary Each atomic researcher realizes that atomic world war 3 and its fallout atomic winter then bright summer will mean the elimination of life on earth until the end of time. Who do you hope to let you know this? Will it be the auto producers, the oil organizations, the weapons makers or the lawmakers who they back and control? Government officials could think less about our future since they are just in office for a long time. People could think less about our future since we live for a long time. Who will get us out of this Titanic wreckage? Will it be the polar bears who are presently compelled to eat their kids keeping in mind the end goal to survive? Will it be the savage people who relinquished their first conceived infants to the God Baal in Megiddo for a thousand years as they occupied with open air sexual relations stoned on opium with the Priestesses of Baal?

The American individuals have put immeasurably an excessive amount of trust in George Bush even after he left, turned into a dipsomaniac, Katrina and lied them into Iraq. Presently the blundering dolt is setting atomic rockets in the previous Communist satellite nations of the U.S.S.R. It would resemble Vladimir Putin overcoming Canada and Mexico and putting atomic rocket batteries along the Canadian and Mexican outskirts went for each American city and advising the United States not to stress, Russia was just doing it to shield itself from Barbados. While the United States masses focuses on Paris Hilton's stay in prison today Vladimir Putin has now gone ballistic and has reported that he is pointing 100 megaton atomic rockets which part into 8 in midair at each European city. Realizing that any assault on a Nato nation is an assault on the United States Vladimir Putin must point his 25,000 atomic rockets over the North Pole at each city in the United States.

The Republicans and Democrats trust that on the off chance that they stay in Iraq sufficiently long then the U.S. will in the long run use weapons of mass decimation to vanquish the Middle East oil. Tragically the American military is currently extended so thin as far as numbers and hardware that they couldn't battle another war. Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin buddies know this and they realize that George Bush is a blundering imbecile. Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are Russia's patio and Russia has associated itself with Iran, assembling the Iranian atomic reactors in Bushehr, Iran. In the coming weeks when George Bush nukes Iran, the Russian Bear is going to vanquish the world unless Jesus Christ flies down from Heaven on his flying steed, to slaughter the Beast, who has now shapeshifted from Osama canister Laden into Vladimir Putin. In the mean time Prince Harry isn't going to Iraq since it's excessively hazardous. Ruler Harry will be far more secure clubbing with Paris Hilton at Hyde, until Vladimir Putin mushroom mists it to Kingdome Come.

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